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A Bibliography of Newfoundland Education


It must be said at the outset that this is but a PARTIAL bibliography of Newfoundland education. However, in this case a half bibliography is for certain better than no bibliography at all.

There was a number of obstacles and difficulties that account for the incompleteness of the bibliography. Inaccurate and incomplete data were given to us by student assistants; we are still waiting for several local authors to send an up-to-date bibliography of their recent writings, often we had the disconcerting experience of finding different parts of historical reports in different places; other difficulties were experienced with historical works, the compilation of which requires historiographical skills that we do not possess.

For some time we could not make up our minds whether or not we would include works that were not specifically about education but which would nonetheless provide a perspective for the study of that subject; an example would be the four volume of Smallwood's The Book of Newfoundland. Eventually we decided to omit them.

There were other arbitrary, decisions. For example, which articles from the NTA Journal should be included? We admit to our biases in this particular situation.

Obviously there will be users of this bibliography who will disagree with some of our decisions and who will be able to complement our efforts. Since this bibliography will be updated and changed before it appears in print, we would appreciate any effort offered in this respect.

W.J. Gushue


September, 1973