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Towards Multicultural Education in Newfoundland and Labrador


This is the first phase of a two-stage research project funded by the Department of the Secretary of State through its Regional Office in St. John's. The project is intended eventually to generate possible recommendations for the promotion of multicultural education in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Necessarily, recommendations must be based on the fullest familiarity with and understanding of both multiculturalism and multicultural education. This study seeks to foster such familiarity and understanding by undertaking an in-depth survey of the policies and activities being implemented in some provinces and their school boards, and by normatively determining the most desirable conception of multiculturalism and multicultural education for adoption in this country. The findings and conclusions reached here should prove useful in providing government leaders, education officials, educators, and ethnocultural groups with knowledge and understandings needed for fruitful and meaningful dialogues on multiculturalism and multicultural education.

Hopefully, the general conclusions in this study will be translated into more specific conclusions and recommendations in the following study.

Our efforts would not have succeeded without the generous support and cooperation given to us by numerous education officials, university colleagues, teachers, and ethnocultural leaders across the country. We shall remain indebted to them.

With pleasure, we wish to note the encouraging farsightedness of St. John's Regional Office of the Secretary of State. In making resources available to us for this project, it has shown its commitment to the cause of multiculturalism and multicultural education in this Province.